Human Microbiome Guild Practitioners

Accredited Intimate Ecologist

I am pleased to endorse the below practitioners as Accredited Intimate Ecology practitioners.

To become an Accredited Intimate Ecologist and member of The Human Microbiome Guild a practitioner must complete a minimum of six months education and mentoring with Intimate Ecology and Dr. Moira Bradfield Strydom (PhD, Naturopath) as part of Vagiversity. Vagiversity is an intensive deep dive into genitourinary health, multi microbiome sites and the holistic management of people with complex genitourinary health issues. 

Accredited Intimate Ecologist's participate in ongoing clinical mentorship and focus meetings and are the preferred referral partners of Intimate Ecology.

Human Microbiome Guild

All Accredited Intimate Ecologists are members of the Human Microbiome Guild. 

Members of the Human Microbiome Guild are committed to sustainable stewardship of human microbiome niches such as the vaginal and urinary microbiome.


Human Microbiome Guild Mission Statement

At the forefront of optimal human health outcomes the Human Microbiome Guild is dedicated to the preservation and stewardship of the intricate ecosystems within the human microbiome. Committed to scientific excellence, community collaboration, holistic solutions, and ethical practices, our mission is to champion the symbiotic relationship between humanity and the diverse microbial communities that coexist within us.

Practitioner Listing

You can read more below about these practitioners below. 

Wendy Burke

Wendy Burke

Adv.Dip.Nut., Adv.Dip.Nat., Adv.Dip.West.Herb.Medicine, Cert 3 & 4 Fitness

Member Australian Natural Therapies Association

The Healthy Hormone Naturopath was founded after being a Naturopath for a few years. I realised that helping people with female hormonal concerns and vaginal health was something that I was the most passionate about, so I created a business that is based solely around that. Female hormones are incredibly dynamic and evolving over our lifetime and if things go wrong, there can be a whole-body impact that can reduce quality of life. My goal is to work with my patients on a holistic basis so we can change that.


Kate Waters

Kate Waters

Intimate Health Specialist - Nutritional Therapist


Bespoke Chef and Culinary Teacher

Kate Waters is a dedicated Intimate Health Specialist, Nutritional Therapist, and Health Coach. Specialising in bladder, vagina, and vulval conditions, her clinic addresses the intricate connections between microbiome sites, hormones, emotions, and overall well-being. Kate supports her clients to break patterns, to take control of their bodies, so they feel physically empowered rather than dominated by their symptoms. Using a holistic approach, often working alongside allopathic medicine Kate uses foods, supplements, and lifestyle advice to guide her clients, restoring balance throughout the body, creating a foundation of health, and putting a management system in place so they can enjoy life again.

Geography serviced: Kate is based in the UK but works world wide - time zones allowing - including America.


Patricia Yetsenga

Patricia Yetsenga

I am a degree qualified clinical nutritionist and herbalist who specialises in both vaginal and gastrointestinal health and I am a certified healthy gut practitioner with the Microbiome Restoration Centre. I utilise diet, herbal medicine and microbiome testing to modulate the microbiome to support healthy outcomes both locally and systemically.

I love supporting women’s health in areas such as peri-menopause, menopause, urinary tract infections, thyroid conditions, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, premenstrual syndrome and heavy painful periods.

I am also a Metabolic Balance practitioner, which enables me to maximise client’s health and achieve weight loss goals through individualised nutrition.

Geography serviced: I am Sydney-based but practice 100% online via Zoom and so can consult across Australia and Internationally (excluding the USA).

T: +61431107227

Mary Cotter

Mary Cotter


Hello, I’m Mary Cotter. As a nutritional therapist, I help people with interstitial cystitis (IC), chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs), and recurring UTIs discover long-lasting relief so they can find the freedom to love life again! I do this through my online 1-2-1 programme, Heal your Bladder. The Heal your Bladder programme is six months with me, combining advanced urinary testing, tailored supplements and dietary advice, helping you identify the root cause of your bladder pain. Swap the urgency, stinging, and burning for your own map to bladder harmony!

Sound good? Head to my website to grab your free ebook: “How to Heal Your Bladder with Food” and get real answers from someone who’s lived this experience:

Geography serviced: Based in Ireland, I serve a global community (incl. the US), drawing on my firsthand experiences of IC and the healthcare systems in the UK and Australia.


Kelly Allan

Kelly Allan

Kelly is a degree-qualified Naturopath and registered Nutritional Therapist (UK). Trained in nutrition, functional medicine, Western herbal medicine and naturopathy, she has many tools in her toolbox to support clients.
As a busy working mum of 3 sons, she understands first-hand the challenges and stresses placed on families today.
With extensive paediatric experience, Kelly has a special love for supporting child & teen health, perimenopause/menopause, and genitourinary/vaginal issues.

Geography serviced: Kelly supports clients across Australia, NZ, and UK (and other regions, excluding the US, by request) and offers in-person consultations in Graceville, Brisbane.


Jessie-Anne EL-Tannoury

Jessie-Anne EL-Tannoury

Jessie is a degree-qualified Naturopath and nutritionist, specialising in sexual wellbeing and hormonal health.

With a deep passion for helping others, Jessie carries a strong ability to welcome you to feel seen and heard. Her core belief is that everyone deserves to live happily in their bodies, free from normalised suffering.

Areas of special interest:

  • Vulva/vaginal health
  • Bladder/urinary health
  • Pelvic pain, painful intercourse
  • Contraception support
  • Hormonal wellbeing

Consultations with Jessie are evidence-based and enriched by her commitment to ongoing educational training. All sessions are a safe space, proudly welcoming SW + LGBTQIA communities.

Geography serviced: Australia wide & all international countries excluding Canada/US. Both online & in person available at Bronte, NSW.


Niamh Burke

Niamh Burke


Niamh is a Nutritional Therapist living in Ireland and seeing clients online. She specialises in the area of female hormones and fertility and has a massive interest in the area of the microbiome and it’s link to successful birth outcomes. She is currently working with couples to support them through their fertility journey, whether that’s natural or assisted. It takes 3 to make a baby – balanced hormones, a healthy embryo (egg + sperm quality) and a healthy environment for that baby to grow in. “When I am working with clients I take all these areas into consideration.”


Dr Natalie Bassat

Dr Natalie Bassat

MBBS (hons)


Natalie is a medical doctor in Melbourne, Australia, with over 25 years clinical experience. She is passionate about supporting women in all areas of women’s health, including peri-menopause and menopause. She has a special interest in vulvo-vaginal and genito-urinary issues in women of all ages.
Natalie is a kind, caring and nurturing practitioner, committed to managing the physical as well as the psychosocial impacts of disease. Her mission is to educate and empower everyone to care for their bodies, at all ages, and to remove the shame and taboo about discussing intimate healthcare.

Natalie has developed V Balm by Dr Nat B, a moisturising, all natural, non-irritant balm designed especially for the unique needs of delicate vulva skin.

Not currently taking new patients but available for interdisciplinary teamwork.

T: 0414 407 357

Angela Hywood

Angela Hywood

Naturopathic Clinician, Founder, ND; BSc.(Complementary Medicine); AdvDip.(Herbal Medicine); Dip.(Homoeopathy); Dip.Natural Fertility Management (NFM); P.Grad.Dip.(Clinical Nutrition)

Angela offers private consultations and specialises in fertility and hormones and the health of women and children, she is experienced in all areas of general practice with over 25 years of clinical practice.

She believes in the importance of integrating western and natural medicine to ensure a healthier, brighter and abundant future for all. Angela takes a comprehensive and highly personalised approach, utilising pathology testing, clinical analysis and diagnostic insight to understand and decipher your needs and design the best approach to treatment for you. She is deeply passionate about supporting clients on their journey to their most well and balanced self and utilises nutritional medicine, herbal medicine, lifestyle modifications and patient empowerment to achieve long-term positive change.

When it comes to fertility, Angela has remarkable success helping hundreds of couples to overcome their fertility hurdles and reclaim their dream of parenthood and is widely published in this area.

E :
T: 08 6468 8149

Jillian Unsworth

Jillian Unsworth


BHSc (Naturopathy), BPharm

Jill is passionate about individualised holistic health care and uses up to date evidence based knowledge, including nutrition, herbal medicine, and lifestyle practices to optimise health outcomes within a safe and nurturing space.
Jill has a wholehearted interest in women's health and is currently studying for her Masters in Women's Health Medicine at the University of New South Wales. Jill has also undertaken extra studies in reproductive health, peri and post menopause and vaginal and genitourinary health.

Jill also has a special interest in providing support throughout cancer treatment and beyond and has undertaken extra studies in this area.

Geography serviced: Available for In-Person appointments in Perth, Western Australia and online appointments within Australia.



Naomi Hester

Naomi Hester

Grad Cert Human Nutrition, BHSc Naturopathy, BHSc Western Herbal Medicine, Microbiome Restoration Center Accredited Practitioner Level I & II, Vagiversity Accredited Practitioner, NHAA certified.

Naomi Hester is a clinical Naturopath of 10+ years experience, a mother to two little girls and a wife to a fabulous man. She holds a double-degree in Western Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy, and received her graduate certificate in Human Nutrition from Deakin University. The microbiome and its influence on human health has been the primary focus of her career evolution, and she enjoys nothing more than poring over and analysing gut or vaginal microbiome studies and SIBO breath test results of her clients, and then sitting down with them to explain her findings and what that means for them practically. From this information a protocol is drafted for her clients, with a view to manipulating their microbiome for the better, with the intention of improving their presenting symptoms/condition and resolving it, if possible.

Conditions that Naomi has helped clients to address include; PCOS, endometriosis, infertililty, menstrual disorders, fatigue, thyroid disorders, perimenopause, menopause, bacterial vaginosis, weight loss, IBS, SIBO, diverticulosis, and Roseacea.

Geography serviced: Zoom/online available, Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ 

T: +61 7 3162 1232

Chantel Yates

Chantel Yates

Adv Dip WHM, Adv Dip Nat, BMedsMgmentProfHonsCM, GradCertEvidCompMed, Graduate of the Dr. Jason Hawrelak GIT Fellowship Program, Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist

Chantel is a highly skilled naturopath and herbalist offering an evidence-based and individualised approach to health conditions. Chantel’s primary focus is on gut health, working with simple to highly complex gut conditions as well as microbiome restoration and optimisation. Having trained and worked extensively in the microbiome restoration field, she developed a special interest in the vaginal microbiome and genitourinary health and is now passionate about restoring and balancing urinary and uterine microbiomes alongside gut and vaginal microbiomes. Chantel feels this work is particularly needed during the childbearing and menopausal years and enjoys supporting patients during these life stages.

Chantel also offers one-on-one clinical mentoring for practitioners who need support with challenging or complex cases that are not responding to established protocols or are presenting with conditions outside the area of expertise of the clinician.

Geography serviced: Online global consultations



Gabrielle Grew

Gabrielle is a qualified Naturopath, with a passion to help build a more integrated understanding of health and relationships with her patients through an integrative approach. The goal with her patients is to provide a deeper meaning and purpose, health, presence, passion, freedom, and wholeness in their lives through optimizing their health outcomes.

Gabrielle's areas of interest in supporting teen health, menstruation irregularities, peri and post-menopause support, hormonal imbalances, mood dysregulation, and sleep disturbances. I am passionate and focused on the deeper root causes looking at the overall burden of toxins in the body, cleaning up our environment, and creating healthy tech relationships.


Geography serviced: Available for In-Person appointments in the Northern Beaches, New South Wales and online appointments within Australia.



Cecilia Canale

BBA, Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), holding certification as a Gut Health Coach from IIN. Microbiome Restoration Center Accredited Health Coach Microbiome Analyst. Vagiversity Accredited Practitioner

Certificación Avanzada en Microbiota y Salud Intestinal por la Escuela Salud Integrativa, España

My passion lies in fostering holistic health through specialized expertise in gut and vaginal microbiome wellness. With a profound focus on optimizing gut and vaginal health, I offer a comprehensive approach blending nutrition, lifestyle, and advanced microbiome analysis.

I'm committed to nurturing the microbiome as a crucial ecosystem for current and future generations, ensuring its vitality through restoration and optimization strategies.

Geography serviced: Based in Uruguay, South America. I serve a global community online and speak English and Spanish.



Disclaimer: All practitioners are recommended in good faith by Intimate Ecology because of their associated clinical expertise and formal qualifications. 

While these practitioners are endorsed by Intimate Ecology for their specialist knowledge Intimate Ecology is not liable for their conduct and private practices in any way. These practitioners are independent to Intimate Ecology and retain their own private liability, privacy and indemnity policies. 

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